Talking the Truth

I have a lot to say.  That’s not a surprise for those who know me.  The “vows” to my husband, more like a letter declaring my love, was about 5 pages long…I am the one who always speaks up at meetings…I am starting a blog, so now I can say whatever I want, whenever I want to, and have it recorded for posterity.

I am also not shy about saying how I feel, or what I feel, or why I feel it.  This is both a strength and a weakness.  Knowing this is half the battle, right?!

I think these are qualities that will suit me well as I start this blog about my new te(a)ch adventures.  Hopefully the process of writing down my thoughts, and trying to share the power of technology in todays educational world, will cultivate these traits more as a strength, and help me learn to control them as well, so they appear less as a weakness.  Blogging can be powerful in many ways, and as I hope my students learn this year, one of those ways is helping you to discover things about yourself!

As I tackle sharing my 4th grade position with another teacher for the first time, and add Tech Specialist to my job title I know I will experience invaluable successes and innumerable challenges.  I hope sharing some of both will help someone along the way, or stir up conversations about the changing face of education.  Hang on for the ride…here we go!!
